diumenge, 23 d’octubre del 2011

Cuscús amb verdures

Sigui on sigui seguiré somiant. Sigui on sigui seguiré sent feliç i, per suposat, sigui on sigui seguiré cuinant.
Gaudint de la cuina en un altre entorn, en una altra cuina, envoltada de noves persones.

Ingredients (for 4 persons):
-          200 g couscous
-          1-2 carrots
-          2 onions
-          1 red pepper
-          1 marrow
-          Cumin
-          Black Pepper
-          Salt
-          Olive oil
1.       Cut all the vegetables in small pieces. Add a squirt of olive oil into a frying pan and cook over low heat. Start pouring the onion, after 2-3 minutes add the carrots, then the red pepper and the marrow. It’s good to wait a few minutes before adding a new vegetable. When the vegetables are cooked add cumin, pepper and a splash of salt and stir. You can turn out the heat.
2.       Pour 250 ml water into a saucepan. Add a spoonful of olive oil and heat. When the water starts boiling, add the couscous and a new spoonful of olive oil and turn out the heat.  Stir with a fork, wait 5 minutes or until the water is nearly absorbed.
3.       Add the couscous to the vegetables and stir all together.
4.       You can serve. Bon appetite!

- És una recepta molt fàcil, barat i bona.
- És una d’aquelles receptes que podem utilitzar per aprofitar restes de verdures que ens han quedat. Jo proposo aquests ingredients però es poden canviar/afegir pebrot verd, albergínia, bolets, panses, etc.
- És una recepta internacional, podem trobar els ingredients gairebé per tot el món. Aquesta va pels que esteu vivint lluny de casa.

- És una recepta que lliga molt bé amb un bon vi i amb bona música.

*A tots els meus amics, per cada moment viscut amb vosaltres i per tots els grans sopars (a casa o a fora).  I, especialment, als nous amics, Sam, Nicolas i Simon per compartir aquest sopar amb mi.*

Wherever I am, I will continue dreaming. Wherever I am, I will continue being happy. And, of course, wherever I am, I will continue cooking.
Enjoy cooking in another environment, in another kitchen, surrounded by new people.

It is a very easy, cheap and delicious recipe.
It is one of those recipes that we can use if you don’t want to waste your vegetables. I suggest these ingredients but you can change or add new ones, like green pepper, aubergine, mushrooms, raisins, etc.
It is an international recipe; we can find these ingredients almost everywhere in the world. For those who are living abroad.
It is a recipe who goes well with a good wine and good music.

*To all my friends, for any lived moment with you and for all the greats suppers (at home and outside). But, especially, to my new friends, Sam, Nico and Simon for sharing this supper with me.*